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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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and welcome back here's a live look at what's going on in charlotte right now at the democratic national convention now for more reaction from on the ground at the d.n.c. i'm joined by iowa senator tom harkin center dark dark and welcome to the program hey it's great to be with you i hope you can hear me all right just got a noisy out here yet no it sounds you sound great your thoughts on how the d.n.c. is going so far i think it's great i think it's very uplifting i think the difference between this convention and watching the republicans on last week it's you know it really does tell the difference just visually on how we view america i mean you look out of this convention floor half of the half of our delegates are women we are a mixture of african-americans asian americans just panic americans eastern european americans americans whose ancestors came over on the mayflower i mean we
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really look like america and you look at the republican convention when i think i counted four or five african-americans about and mostly white males and that's why i say you just look at it and you see the difference in our approach to america well and i was a fairly white state and you know kind of a bellwether state many regards here you're the senator from iowa i'm curious you know the conventional wisdom is that mitt romney has to win sixty one percent of the white vote in order to win the presidency. and you were just talking about the diversity or scene at the d.n.c. . can president obama poll forty forty one percent of the white vote. absolutely both men and women by the way yes and there's no doubt in my mind he will because. you know it's the middle class that's going to decide this election. and i think when middle class independent voters. who haven't kind of made up their
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mind yet and they're kind of you know a lot of these middle class they've lost a lot of wealth in the last thirty years. the middle class has just been under siege literally for thirty years although it's been the worst in the last ten years i think that there are you know obviously they're upset i understand that but i think they're going to look at these two candidates and ask a very fundamental question when they go in to vote which one of those two do i really trust in the next four years forget about the past the past is the past but which one of those two can i trust in the next four years to fight for me. who really understands my life and i think what you see here at the convention what you heard from michelle obama which are going to hear from barack obama tomorrow night
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and joe biden. they get it this is where they come from. they weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouths they had to work hard for everything they got they understand the middle class and i think that's what's going to carry them through how do you think it's possible that the republicans can pull off getting middle class people to vote for them when their primary agenda seems to be tax cuts for the rich and let's lay off some more public workers. well what the republicans tactic has been for some time now is to boast i think quite frankly. going to use the word lie and lie about. what the economic situation situation is like and what their goals are i mean i watched ryan paul ryan last week on television when he was speaking and i thought any minute is pants are going to catch on fire and you know it's just one missed falsehood after
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another the second thing the republicans have been very good at is playing upon the fears of people and trying to make people afraid and to inject this fear of the future and that to me is is really. again i think it disruptive i think it's sort of demeaning of our american character but that's why they get middle class voters to vote for them. and they they distort the economics of what they're about and then they play upon the fear of people and rather than playing upon fear barack obama and we democrats are spurred rescues we appeal to the hope of people to their better nature to say that we're all together in this that we can make a better life for ourselves in this country and government is a big part of that the republicans say we can only have
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a better life if it's every person for himself very very well said senator tom harkin thank you so much for joining us thanks don. are you ready to rumble joining for tonight's long number obl our mark carroll libertarian commentator and horoscope or conservative commentator thank you both for joining me and i'm sure i think i'm back with us to the first night of the d.n.c. last night sans any american who on cost cost throw castro however shredded the d.n.c. is theme of we built this take a look at this. of all the fictions we heard last week in tampa the one i find most troubling is this if we all just go or own way our nation will be stronger for it because if we sever the threads that connect this the only people who will go far
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are those who already ahead we all understand that freedom isn't free what romney and ryan don't understand is it either reason opportunity we have to invest in it. so horace are we are we society is in vision by the democrats or me society has promoted other public well you know the democrats were more straightforward they admit that they are government centered society they believe that government is the beginning the end and the middle of all solutions or tornado rolling that you know george washington did not believe that idiotic why did he fight and i was the ice several times in order to create this cover it was in fact king george the third view that government was the center the middle and the end of us all right that was dictatorship that was a kingdom that wasn't the kind of government rulership want to rulership over people were government interposes its decisions for the earth to george washington that's what i will marry in a democracy where we the people could have an. oligarchy want to where i group of billionaires would run the show he fought to create a republic based on the notion that individuals would be citizens and they would
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have rights that the government could not challenge this is the very thing that our friends over at the d.n.c. in charlotte reject and that the government would play a role in their lives that the government would be here to make things happen george washington was the guy who commissioned who commissioned. what's and what the founder who did the eleven point program for for alexander hamilton eleven point program for manufactures who who started you know protectionism who put into place tariffs to put into place subzero on parties that want to see a place for encouraging opportunity and bad that we're taking a bad for dictating all terms for government those are not won in the same i don't think anybody believes our fellow americans do our founders you know we're not neutral on the idea of encouraging. but i couldn't disagree more obviously i think this is actually a good thing that he said this i think there are two world views in this election and i think americans have
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a clear choice i don't like the fact that they only have these choices but they have a clear choice here what binds us together in my mind is not government i think any time that i know what binds us together as americans it's not the government itself operate i know it was not this. this government that we create his own even though it's an idea it is our churches it's our families it's our that immunity is that's what binds us together that what brings us together americans are generous and i think they do share the problem here is a you know for you between guaranteed opportunity and the difference between guaranteed opportunity and guaranteed results so you know you can do it all there's all that our having you know being able to run for school board or vote vote out the school board being able to run for or vote out vote in and vote out the local city council that produces these has no effect on long before government ever created public education that is them on service jefferson creo no that's a democracy democracy is taking part of that in choosing but the bottom line is what binds us together the choices we make it's the ideas the idiology that bind us together are we elect people that share the vision that we do of america then we
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find that are not government and not me ok george bush as you said it is a lot of joy you were to have said levy did our taxes but it's not defined by our grab reelected george bush who said that we're going to cut taxes on the millionaires and billionaires we're going to deregulate the banks and everything is going to be wonderful and how many jobs that we create net people zero and people who are unhappy with that and they've voted in president obama and that's fine and they don't they're not happy with what he has got with this poor stewardship which is now minus four hundred thousand he's created over four million no one can is number is a meadow minus four hundred thousand in just four years his business stewardship of the economy which with here's the thing when the government is going to be what binds you together it's just like with education one of the main problems that libertarians have with education being run by the federal government or at least subsidized so heavily is it's run by local governments as you can dictate in about dictated by the feds because of the grants all there are certain certain parts i don't want is whenever the government does something they have to have priorities in other words this idea of our we have me senator we we center the problem of the
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we said it is when you let the government do the we centered it's not you taking your money given to charity the government decides what your priorities are going to be but the government is us in the end of this isn't it that's what these the government is often of the government is often made up. people with their own agendas but civil regard as again interest in the law and why is the army they should protect why individual why is a group of eccentric billionaires running the show a better thing than a government that we elect it's not a better thing it's a bad product of free speech but that's what it's not we're going to see to figure out all the leaders running everything on the first place i'm sorry i see an agreement in history that it's not dominated by five companies or fewer or fewer and that's a function of policy set up by we the people get on the radio knows that iraq was a german and such are stacked away five hundred years of american his starting all the way back in the twenty's and thirty's the government came over the idea that it couldn't manage the movement and clearly it has not succeeded and harding coolidge and hoover tried that and for ten years it worked really really well abroad as the
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great depression of the one nine hundred twenty nine now they want to as i go with what dan bongino says here in his video and i think you've probably seen government isn't the enemy but government's not the answer to everything and what i see here is that you're only going to stop now i think you are because what i also i think what you're saying and i think what they're saying is that what binds us together the only thing we have in common and who are is that we're all in this government together not that we control it serves the needs that we a limited need separately has to do should but what we've created we create it and we can bring it back and i think a lot of people in this country don't like the fact it's being created is just running amok it's just going in one direction it it's not serving our needs to be calm irony is a miniseries truth is what happens in america the lion's share of the activity has nothing to do with anything government is milingo of people these large corporations run knowing that it's not true at all that it is so to three hundred million are going to anyways so they are out ways you can choose to log on american choose to go and play softball you can choose whatever and you let you know what we're actually on you know your neighbors don't dictate then she looked at me and i
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told her to meet american he says you can choose to be an entrepreneur i may not you know not successfully used to be that our most wanted to maybe you can you are going to eliminate thing wasn't exactly recip exactly you can't be an entrepreneur . these are so many regulations there are so many things shipped through all the hoops you jump through are mostly government made this is this is my dolly you will give me what do you sort of the met office they're not probably talk about the big corporation they're talking about the governments that the hatred is the over poing what is the goal the game of monopoly to win at the end to end up being the one guy who wants everything right and that's pretty much in every industry what we're seeing we are seeing monopoly being played and what we. see are a lot of additional you know barriers to entry created by government regulation so the bigger guy have an advantage in that kind of a situation it is those who say let's let others participate call it was artificial barriers i mean that may be true if you're talking about a company's going to make drugs but that's all but no you know i mean you don't
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hear you talked about no i can't really we were out of time but what we'll be back with more and more of the rock more rubble in just a moment all right. he . wealthy british style moves on. sometimes right on.
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the market why not. going to. find out what's really happening to the global. me with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser reports. coming up.
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more about joining me again on ties along liberal mark harold libertarian commentator and horoscope or conservative commentator and thank you both for being with me tonight also the d.n.c. last night we saw a tribute to ted kennedy and with this particular revel in story clip of him and mitt romney debating back in one thousand nine hundred forty. i believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country i believe that since roe v wade has been the law for twenty years that we should sustain and support it and i sustain and support and the right of a woman to make that choice on the question of the choice issue i have supported the the way i am pro choice my opponent is multiple choice so you can get a guy who as literally virtually any issue you can name then multiple choice really
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get elected president state smart well i mean you can always say that your views evolved you can always say that you change your mind with more information and the one problem he has there is he said it so force forth in roe v wade i was find it interesting when roe v wade is sort of set forth as if that's i mean that is the thing that limits the laws from being passed in states it's not in self a law it's interesting to see in that context the way it's expressed but he's talking about there is say no it's precedent it's narrative slices we shouldn't overrule it because it's been around long enough that people expected it but you know almost he goes further and now he's got an even bigger problem now it's been the law of the land so much longer i think that's very effective stuff and i think that when i saw that i realized how much further how much different he has to be in this election that his earlier elections in massachusetts i guess one of the best things they have going for him or i will concede it is much harder to present yourself in an electoral position when you can be seen making statements that are clearly contradictory however i think that's the problem that mr obama faces as well he made a lot of statements in the walk up to getting elected this president and people are
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just asking well let's see what i said at a lot of these dust stories and i try to really try to doesn't count incomplete the republicans argue in the senate yes well you know i'm sorry elect me president harry truman or no republican argument all out a do nothing congress and work we'll see if barack obama calling out do nothing congress work but one of the things that he did do is he saved general motors and chrysler one point two million vehicles were sold last month by general motors chrysler and ford since bush's great you know this is the best known. since bush's great recession began in two thousand and seven big three automakers also saw huge sales increases year over year ronnie's criticize the president for this move we have just one minute your thoughts on saving mr i hope one day that the case is brought before the supreme court and the unconstitutional taking that this represents is undone by the supreme court it was outrageous what are you going to see and how close it down that it is not appropriate for a million people to say it's ok to still assets from other people who lawfully were
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allowed to keep those assets and the other news is very much as it was is known not with the bondholders the other news is that these companies still fundamentally have the same problems that they had before of this bankruptcy managed bankruptcy occurred and those problems until they are dealt with actually are they likely. is less how come their bank roll new hires come in at fourteen fifteen dollars an hour instead of thirty or thirty dollars an hour i mean there we were seeing the middle class collapse you know the republican strategy of the last thirty four point five the overselling requirement that mr obama is doing is going to destroy the american automotive industry month most of europe is already there exactly it's going to destroy the american automobile industry or a scooper mark errol thank you both for being with here. just.
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it's the good the bad of the very very poor peroration ugly the good u.s. district judge came michael moore yesterday judge moore ruled that florida's policy of charging in-state students higher in-state college tuition u.s. students who are u.s. citizens higher in-state tuition for college if their parents were illegal immigrants violates the constitution more argue the policy violates the equal protection clause of the constitution by forcing u.s. citizens students to pay nearly three times that of other florida students with legal u.s. theirs and parents a lawsuit was initially filed by the so the poverty law center on behalf of many florida students who were denied regular in-state tuition if you're born in the united states you're a citizen as a result you deserve all the rights and freedoms that come with citizenship kudos to judge moore for standing up to florida's outrageous policy giving thousands of u.s. citizens students create a greater access to education the bad state of virginia thanks to incredibly lax
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gun laws in the state last year virginia issued a staggering sixteen hundred thirty two concealed carry permits to non virginia residents alone yes you can get them over the internet that's right the state who allows people who don't want who don't live in it to obtain virginia concealed carry permits and even more shockingly eight states allow people with virginia concealed carry permits to carry a gun without a permit from their home state and texas wanted to allow people with virginia carry permits to use that as id to vote on top of all this companies that offer a legally mandated training for concealed carry permit holders specifically advertise would join you classify in other states because the classes are so lax so not only is virginia have lax gun laws. also army non virginians in promoting increased gun violence across the nation. and the very very ugly monsanto monsanto the g.m.o. food and agribusiness giant will be soon and introducing his genetically modified
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foods directly in stores across the nation with out labels saying that the foods are genetically modified and if that isn't bad enough new reports suggest that some strains of monsanto's genetically modified corn the bt corn that helped to create super worms that are resistant to pesticides and to make matters even worse these super worms are devouring crops in parts of the already drought devastated midwest and are projected to spread throughout the entire midwest so on and on santa continues to put genetically modified foods which may contain dangerous chemicals on the market have also managed to create another nightmare for hurting farmers and agriculture in america and that is very very ugly. so generally the corporate elite like to stay tight lipped about how they view
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their workers most don't want to come across as greedy or as a scrooge but every now and then a cocky billionaire comes along spouts off about it titled once in the work ethic and we all get a glimpse into how the billionaire class thinks and this week we recognize gina rinehart the world's richest woman as that billionaire big mouth now before a play for you what mrs ryan ms reinhart said here's a little bit of her background she's worth about eighteen billion dollars all of it thanks to being a member of the lucky sperm club she was born into wealth never having to work a day down in the iron ore mines that she now owns but as a billionaire with a really clean hands she thinks she knows what motivates workers and she thinks the key to economic success in her home country of australia is to pay those workers basically nothing slave wages like two dollars a day a letter explaining how federal and state governments masonite that now more than
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ever we math lift international competitiveness just to stay as well off as we are and with state and federal dates we must get rid of the stick not just for my class welfare for them all africans want to work and it's work because i willing to work for less than two dollars a day such statistics make me why for this country's future just to clarify what she said she's worried about australia's future as long as africans are willing to work for two dollars a day in australia isn't willing to race to the bottom of that same wage scale. aside from the tinge of racism in her comments are also completely uninformed this was the scene in south africa in august outside the lowman platinum mine.
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what you just saw were thirty four african miners those people who gina rinehart claims are willing to work for two dollars a day on strike demanding better wages and getting massacred for their resistance they were risking their lives for two dollars a day paychecks for a modest raise to three dollars a day like ryan are imagining erast can for fifteen hundred dollars a month as a minimum wage that's roughly forty times more money than right are things these workers deserve then again the reality of what you saw in that video is so far removed from gina rinehart's reality and pretty much the entire billionaire class is reality we just can't expect them to understand the struggles that working people around the world face reinhart's comments that australia needs to be employing slave labor to compete in the global economy prove that she and others who agree with her just don't give a damn about workers to her those who toil in our minds who develop chronic
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illnesses who risk death every day there are humans who have their own passions and goals who have families they want to raise who even one day might want to own their own businesses now to gina rinehart those workers are just numbers on a spreadsheet numbers that can be edited or even a race if the drive for profit requires that. and in an increasingly globalized world are transnational corporations hold more power than sovereign governments the race to the bottom in wages is spiraling out of control affected not just miners in africa but factory workers in america too who've seen their paychecks shrink over the last thirty years and have dropped out of the middle class and into the class of the working poor gina rinehart would have been right at home in last week's r. and c. were so-called job creators word salted or the billionaire class was revered and where workers were criticized as lazy living off the government and screw over taxpayers with collective bargaining she would have applauded eric cantor's
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attempts to redefine labor day as a day for c.e.o.'s and business executives but sheesh she shouldn't fit right in at home in america a nation of the once cared about its workers a nation that understood that most people don't want to be billionaires like gina rinehart or the koch brothers who just want to be part of the middle class a nation that made a middle class lifestyle possible for those who wanted it through government policies like a minimum wage protection for unions and reasonable taxation on the rich we need to find that nation and find it soon before the billionaire class and gina rinehart take us back to the days of feudalism when there was no middle class when all of us would be lucky to do a day's work for just two dollars that's what's at stake this year and that's the way it is tonight wednesday september fifth two thousand and twelve and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your it will leave you tonight with former north carolina governor jim hunt speaking live
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coverage of the convention floor and child like magic. folks magic didn't do it in north carolina if this is not a time for america to believe in magic. to it this is a time to drive education forward this is a time to drive the economy forward this is a time to drive america forward we must do it together and we must realize that barack obama as president of the united states to it thank you to a hand that is where our hands off in the area in a own.
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wealthy british style. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r g. h.


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